Eco Seeds Organic Cabbage (Red Acre) Seeds

Eco Seeds Organic Cabbage (Red Acre) Seeds

Regular price $4.90 Sale

We love Red Acre Cabbages for pickling, kimchi and delicious fresh Asian coleslaws. This is an early maturing dwarf variety - another great space saver in the garden!

Our organic, non-GMO Red Acre Cabbage seed packets contain approximately 100 seeds - plenty for successive sowings.  

About Cabbages (Brassica oleracea var. oleracea)    

Cabbages are a winter vegetable related to the Brassica (Broccoli and Cauliflower) family.  This leafy green was once grown in ancient Greece and Rome.  Individually, the dense, round heads can look unassuming, but they can look extremely striking if planted en masse or in contrasting rows of red and green.  Try them in your vegetable patch, cottage or coastal garden.  

Greyhound Cabbages are a traditional dwarf variety with a slightly pointy head - ideal for small gardens.  They grow early in the season and produce few outer leaves but a good, solid heart. Needless to say that have a good flavour and great texture! 

Culinary Uses for Cabbage 

Red Acre Cabbage leaves are delicious in an Asian 'slaw, packed with fresh herbs like Coriander and Vietnamese Mint, plus homegrown Mung Beans.  

You can also steam, sauté or braise it - a few cumin seeds, a little mustard and a dash of apple cider vinegar can be a delicious addition to these types of Cabbage dishes.  

We also love to ferment red Cabbage into  Kimchi.  (Tempted?  Try making your own  in one of our Goodlife Fermentation Jars.) 

Growing Conditions - Cabbages

Plant Cabbages in spring or autumn. Beans, Onions, Marigolds, Chamomile, Marjoram, Nasturtium, Coriander, Sage, Thyme, Mint and Rosemary are good companion plants for Cabbage, but don't plant Strawberries or Tomatoes nearby.

Cabbages like a rich, free draining soil and a sunny spot.  To thrive, they need consistently moist (not soggy) soil.  The great thing about this cool-loving vegetable is that it can handle a light frost and a little wind.  

Cabbages need a little care to keep bugs at bay.  Place a cloche over your seedlings to keep out the dreaded white butterflies that love to feast on these vegetables! Plan on giving this vegetable a little space to grow.   

Growing Instructions - Red Acre Cabbage Seeds  

  • Transplant: Early spring - early autumn
  • Spacing: 40 cm apart
  • Sowing depth: 6 mm
  • Keep soil moist but not soggy while seeds are germinating
  • Germination: 6 - 10 days
  • Harvest: 70 - 75 days from transplant
  • Protect from slugs, snails, aphids and white cabbage butterfli