Eco Seeds Organic Spring Onion Seeds

Eco Seeds Organic Spring Onion Seeds

Regular price $4.90 Sale

Spring Onions are a versatile vegetable with a mild onion flavour.  Their long stems and small bulbs are so convenient when adding flavour to salads, quiches or stir fries. Plant them throughout the garden and around Apple trees to ward of pests and help deter Codling Moth.

Our organic Spring Onion seeds come in two varieties:

  • Crimson Red
  • White Bunching

Each packet contains around 50 seeds - plenty for a large pot, small vegetable patch or apartment garden.

About Spring Onions (Allium Cepa, Scallions, Bunching Onions)

Spring Onions (sometimes called scallions) are an essential leafy green with a mild onion flavour.  You will usually see them in an Asian cuisine, cottage or courtyard garden (or any backyard vegetable patch).  If you live in an apartment, this vegetable is perfect for growing in a pot. They grow about 35 cm high and spread about 10 cm.

Crimson Red is a bunching variety of Spring Onion that has blood-red shanks and green leaves. The White Bunching variety is a perennial, non-bulbing type.  Both varieties grow several shoots from each seed.   

Growing Conditions for Spring Onions

Spring onions are easy care plants that will tolerate a light frost. They just need lots of sun and regular water. They prefer to be planted in a mildly acidic, free-draining sandy loam. You will get lots of life out of this 'cut and come again' vegetable if you simply cut what you need as you need it, but leave the roots to grow new shoots for another day. At the end of the season they will grow white blossoms if you let them. 

Best planted in spring or late summer, but in the upper North Island you can grow them almost all year round.   

Lettuce, Beetroot, Cabbages, Tomatoes, Dill, Parsley, Mint and Chamomile are good companion plants for Spring Onions.

Growing Instructions - Spring Onions (Crimson Red or White Bunching) Seeds

  • Direct sow: Early spring - early autumn
  • Spacing: 10 cm rows, then thin to 2 cm apart 
  • Sowing depth: 5 mm
  • Keep soil consistently moist but not soggy 
  • Germination: 8 - 20 days
  • Harvest: 120 days (cut leaves as needed or harvest whole bulb if desired