Weleda Cold & Flu Drops

Weleda Cold & Flu Drops

Regular price $21.00 Sale

Weleda Cold & Flu Drops 30ml

Cold and flu relief for children to adults

Take at the onset of cold or flu to relieve symptoms - fever, muscle ache, headache, sore throat, sneezing and runny nose.


HOW TO TAKE: Take 3 drops (3 to 7 years), 5 drops (7 to 14 years) or 10 drops (14 years and over) every 2 hours in a little water, or as directed by your practitioner. Reduce to 3 times daily once the fever has dropped. Children up to 3 years: Give Weleda Cold & Flu Pilules.

INGREDIENTS: Contains equal parts of: Aconitum napellus 4x; Bryonia 3x; Eucalyptus 3x; Eupatorium perfoliatum 3x; Phosphorus 5x; Sabadilla 4x; in water/ethanol base. Free from synthetic preservatives.

WARNINGS: Consultation with a health practitioner is advised before giving medicine to children under 2 years. A few people experience restlessness at night when taking this medicine. If so, do not take after midday. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your health care professional.